Bollywood actors Sunny Kaushal, Nimrat Kaur, and Medha Shankar are set to star together in an upcoming detective comedy film. This collaboration will mark the first time these three actors will be seen sharing the screen. Sunny Kaushal, who recently garnered attention for his performance in the romantic thriller ‘Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba’, has already begun shooting for the film in Rajasthan.
The film is reportedly being produced by Laxman Utekar and T-Series, although Sunny Kaushal has not officially confirmed any details about the project. Sunny’s role in ‘Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba’ was well-received by the audience in 2024, where he starred alongside Taapsee Pannu and Vikrant Massey. Medha Shankar, known for her performance in ’12th Fail’ in 2023, will now be seen sharing screen space with another ‘Haseen Dilruba’ actor.
Nimrat Kaur, who recently appeared in ‘Sajani Shinde’s Viral Video’, is gearing up for her upcoming film ‘Section 84’, where she will be starring alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Diana Penty. Additionally, Nimrat will also be seen in ‘Sky Force’, alongside Akshay Kumar after eight years. The movie is set to release on January 25 and marks Veer Pahadia’s debut in Bollywood. Sara Ali Khan is also part of this film, which is based on a real-life incident.
It’s exciting to see these talented actors coming together for such promising projects, and fans can’t wait to witness their on-screen magic in the upcoming films.