Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is all set to be discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, following a terrifying stabbing incident at his Bandra residence last week. Dr. Nitin Dange has confirmed that all the necessary paperwork for his discharge has been completed, and Saif is expected to be released sometime between 10 AM and 12 PM today.
The shocking incident took place on the night of January 16, when an intruder attempted to break into Saif Ali Khan’s residence in Bandra’s ‘Satguru Sharan’ building. During the intrusion, the actor was stabbed multiple times. Despite the severity of the attack, Saif managed to escape and was rushed to the hospital in an auto-rickshaw around 2:30 AM. His quick thinking and prompt medical attention played a crucial role in preventing further complications.
Upon arrival at Lilavati Hospital, Saif underwent two major surgeries to treat the stab wounds. Though his condition was initially critical, doctors are pleased with the progress he has made following the surgeries. The medical team is relieved to see Saif’s condition stabilize and his positive response to treatment.
In the ongoing police investigation, significant headway has been made. Mumbai Police recently visited Saif’s residence to reconstruct the crime scene. The culprit, identified as 30-year-old Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a Bangladeshi national, was apprehended in neighboring Thane on Sunday. He has been remanded to custody for five days.
According to the police, Shehzad entered the building with the intention of theft and got into a scuffle with Saif’s maid. When Saif intervened, a physical altercation ensued, resulting in the actor sustaining injuries. The intruder managed to flee the scene initially, but law enforcement authorities succeeded in tracking him down later on.