The Indian Bank has appointed Binod Kumar as its new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, replacing Shanti Lal Jain. On the other hand, Bajaj Healthcare Ltd has secured exclusive rights for manufacturing and distributing Magnesium L Threonate in India. Ravindra Energy has been awarded a contract by Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd to develop and operate 44 MW of decentralized feeder-level PV solar projects.
In other news, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd has signed a loan agreement with State Bank of India to finance projects at Bina. AlA Engineering has set up a new Rubber and Composite Liners Plant in Ahmedabad. IDFC First Bank has been fined by NSE for non-compliance with SEBI regulations.
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency has entered into a joint venture agreement with various entities for a hydroelectric power project. AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd has received permission to import Eculizumab concentrate for infusion for the treatment of patients with certain conditions. MobiKwik has partnered with Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Ltd to provide personal loans to its customers.
HFCL has secured an Advance Work Order for the BharatNet Phase III project in Punjab. Mastek has appointed Umang Nahata as a Whole-Time Director. Satin Creditcare Network has appointed Vikas Wadhera as Chief Risk Officer. The IRCTC board has appointed Sudhir Kumar as Chief Financial Officer. TVS Motor Company has entered the market in Morocco in collaboration with Hindi Motors.
Overall, these developments indicate the diverse activities taking place in various sectors of the Indian economy, highlighting both challenges and opportunities for businesses in the country.