New Delhi: The Congress party unveiled its fourth list of candidates for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections on Wednesday night, which includes nominations for five constituencies. Surender Kumar will run for the Bawana seat, designated for Scheduled Castes, while Rahul Dhanak will contest from Karol Bagh, also reserved for SC.
The other three candidates are Sumesh Gupta for Rohini, Virender Bhiduri for Tughlakabad, and Arjun Bhadana for Badarpur. With this latest announcement, Congress has now declared candidates for a total of 68 out of the 70 assembly seats in Delhi.
Earlier, on Tuesday, Congress had revealed its third list, featuring 16 candidates for the assembly polls scheduled for February 5. Notable nominees include Dharam Pal Lakda, a former AAP MLA who will contest from Mundka, and Krishna Tirath, a former Union minister running for Patel Nagar. Additional nominations include Rajesh Gupta for Kirari, Kunwar Karan Singh for Model Town, Prem Sharma for Hari Nagar, Harbani Kaur for Janakpuri, Jitender Solanki for Vikaspuri, Sushma Yadav for Najafgarh, Mange Ram for Palam, and Vishesh Tokas for RK Puram.
Ariba Khan has been designated for Okhla, Rajiv Chaudhury for Vishwas Nagar, Kamal Arora for Gandhi Nagar, Jagat Singh for Shahdara, and Bheesham Sharma for Ghonda. In a noteworthy change, Congress has selected Ishwar Bagri to replace Pramod Kr Jayant as the candidate for Gokalpur constituency.
The assembly elections in Delhi are set for February 5, with the results to be counted on February 8. While the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced candidates for all 70 seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has revealed 59 candidates thus far.