The Indian equity markets are currently showing positive momentum, with the Sensex trading higher at 76,716.93 and the Nifty50 gaining at 23,222.90. Power and auto stocks are leading the gains, while financial stocks are witnessing selling pressure. Market analysts are cautious about the near-term outlook and are suggesting a sell-on-rise approach given potential price corrections. Looking ahead, traders are monitoring key technical levels, with support levels at 23,110-23,010 and resistance levels at 23,290-23,350.
With the Union Budget approaching in three weeks, market participants are anticipating increased allocations in sectors such as Pharma, Green Energy, Logistics, and Ports. Last year saw a boost in the health sector budget, and similar expectations are being set for this year.
Overall, the markets are showing a mixed performance, with certain sectors outperforming while others are facing headwinds. It will be interesting to see how the market reacts in the coming days, especially with the impending budget announcements.