Actor Ranveer Singh and director Aditya Dhar recently visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar together. Ranveer Singh’s upcoming film is scheduled to be shot in the city, and they took the opportunity to seek blessings at the Golden Temple before the shooting commenced. The pictures of their visit are circulating on social media and gaining attention.
Both Ranveer Singh and Aditya Dhar shared the images of their Golden Temple visit on their social media accounts. In the photos, Ranveer Singh is seen wearing a white kurta-pyjama. Fans have been showering love and blessings on the actor, and many have expressed their excitement for his upcoming film in the comments.
The film is being produced by Aditya Dhar, Lokesh Dhar, and Jyoti Deshpande from Jio Studios under the B62 Studios banner. The star-studded cast includes Arjun Rampal, Akshaye Khanna, R Madhavan, and Sanjay Dutt alongside Ranveer Singh. The collaboration between the team behind the successful film ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ has raised expectations for this project, which is anticipated to be a significant theatrical release in the coming years.
Ranveer Singh’s recent film, ‘Singham Again,’ received positive reviews, while Aditya Dhar gained recognition for his work on the acclaimed movie ‘Uri.’ Additionally, Ranveer’s previous film, ‘Rocky Rani Ki Prem Kahani,’ directed by Karan Johar and starring Alia Bhatt, was also a hit at the box office.
In other news, the makers of ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ have released a major update on the sequel at IFFI Goa 2024, generating excitement among fans.