Bollywood’s beloved real-life couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, recently welcomed their baby girl in September. Since then, the arrival of the baby girl in their lives has been a topic of discussion on social media. The couple had announced the pregnancy earlier this year, much to the delight of their fans. The beautiful maternity shoot pictures garnered attention on the internet. The paparazzi were eagerly awaiting a glimpse of the baby girl. Finally, the couple decided to share a special glimpse of their daughter with the paparazzi in a heartwarming way.
Special Meeting with the Paparazzi
On 8th September 2024, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone welcomed their baby girl, bringing immense joy to their lives and loved ones. They named their daughter Dua, which means a prayer or wish made to God. Recently, when Ranveer Singh was spotted at the airport, the paparazzi expressed their desire to meet baby Dua. The couple granted this wish during a special event in Mumbai, where they introduced the paparazzi to their daughter for the first time. Ranveer and Dua thanked the paparazzi for their love and support.
Now, Fans Await
This sweet gesture touched everyone and showcased the couple’s simplicity and humility. However, the face of baby Dua has not been officially revealed yet. Fans are eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of the adorable baby girl. They hope that the actors will share her face with the world soon.
Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh Parenthood
Deepika and Ranveer are relishing every moment of parenthood and making time for their little girl amidst their busy schedules. They are impressing fans with their commitment to family. During the promotions for ‘Singham Again,’ Ranveer mentioned that Deepika couldn’t join due to looking after their daughter. He also shared that he takes care of the baby at night while Deepika rests.
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