Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri’s sister, Aliya Fakhri, has been arrested in connection with a tragic double murder in Queens, New York. Aliya, 43, is accused of setting a two-story garage on fire, resulting in the deaths of her ex-boyfriend, Edward Jacobs, 35, and his friend, Anastasia, 33. The incident, fueled by jealousy, has shocked the local community.
The details of the alleged crime reveal that Aliya set the garage on fire, trapping the victims inside. They tragically succumbed to smoke inhalation and thermal injuries in what District Attorney Melinda Katz described as a “malicious” act. Aliya Fakhri was denied bail during her court arraignment.
Despite the heartbreaking events, Nargis Fakhri has not publicly commented on the situation. However, her mother has come to Aliya’s defense, stating that she does not believe her daughter is capable of such violence. She mentioned that Aliya had struggled with opioid addiction following a dental issue, which may have influenced her actions.
A witness at the scene recounted a frightening sequence of events, mentioning the smell of burning and Aliya’s history of threats towards Jacobs. Edward Jacobs, a plumber, and Anastasia Ettienne were friends, not romantically involved. Aliya’s continued pursuit of Jacobs despite their breakup and the abusive nature of their relationship has come to light.
The tragic incident has left the community in shock and mourning the loss of two lives. Edward Jacobs was working on converting the garage into an apartment, where the fire took place. The complex dynamics of relationships and the devastating consequences of jealousy and violence have left a deep impact on all involved.