The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has revealed its intention to contest a few seats in the upcoming Maharashtra assembly elections. Led by Arvind Kejriwal, AAP is aligned with the opposition’s INDIA bloc. In Maharashtra, the INDIA bloc, comprised of Shiv Sena (UBT), Congress, and NCP (SP), is running under the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) banner against the ruling Mahayuti alliance.
During a press conference in Kudal, Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district, AAP’s Goa unit president Amit Palekar announced the party’s efforts to strengthen its presence in the Konkan belt, particularly in Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, and Kolhapur. The party has gained significant support in the region as the local population seeks alternatives to BJP’s Narayan Rane and his contentious politics.
Palekar stated that AAP is in solidarity with its INDIA bloc allies for the November 20 Maharashtra elections. However, the party may consider contesting a few seats where it has a strong chance of winning if political circumstances permit. Pressure from local party members in Kolhapur and Sindhudurg has also urged AAP to field candidates in the upcoming elections.
Emphasizing the importance of clean and ethical governance, Palekar highlighted the Konkan residents’ rejection of the Rane family’s arrogance. He stressed the necessity of dedicated politicians to uphold integrity in politics.
The Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections, featuring 288 seats, are scheduled for November 20, with the vote count set for November 23. Eknath Shinde’s journey from a rickshaw driver to Chief Minister in June 2022 symbolizes a remarkable underdog story, demonstrating his ability to navigate challenges while leading the coalition government.