The much-awaited film based on C Sankaran Nair has been announced by Dharma Productions. The untitled film will delve into the ‘shocking cover-up of a massacre’ that impacted India’s top barrister. Scheduled to release on March 14, 2025, the film will feature Akshay Kumar, R Madhavan, and Ananya Panday in lead roles. Directed by Karan Singh Tyagi, this movie is inspired by real-life events and adapted from the book titled The Case That Shook The Empire by Raghu Palat and Pushpa Palat.
Chettur Sankaran Nair, a lawyer and statesman who served as the Advocate General of Madras from 1906 to 1908, is the central figure of this biopic. He was also the president of the Indian National Congress in 1897 and authored Gandhi and Anarchy in 1922. It was announced by Dharma in June 2021 and production started in November the following year. Reports suggest that the film might be titled Shankara.
In addition to this project, Dharma Productions has other exciting ventures lined up. “Jigra,” starring Alia Bhatt and Vedanf Raina, is currently in cinemas. “Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari,” featuring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, is set to release on April 18, 2025. Furthermore, an untitled project by Sandeep Modi is slated for an Independence Day release next year.
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